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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » TC Electronic PolyTune v1.05 WiN OSX
TC Electronic PolyTune v1.05 WiN OSX

 WiN/OSX | 20MB
Links update: 29/04/2020

The PolyTune plug-in is the perfect tune-up for every music program out there. Sporting some of the most innovative features from our insanely popular line of PolyTune pedals, the PolyTune plug-in is set to satisfy the tuning needs of everyone from the seasoned pro producer to the casual bedroom musician.

With its polyphonic tuning mode, you get a flawless read of all six strings with just a single strum, which makes the way from tuning to recorded-song-of-awesomeness so much shorter.

And with the ultra-fast and accurate chromatic tuner, plus up to 5 semi-tones of flat tunings and the option of changing the pitch reference, the PolyTune plug-in will be able to satisfy even your most demanding tuning needs:

- Polyphonic tuning straight in your Music Program.
- Ultra-fast Chromatic tuner.
- Flat tuning modes.

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 874 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Electronic, PolyTune, v1.05, TC, osx, win | Rating: 0.0/0
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