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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » HoRNet TheNormalizer v1.3.2 WiN OSX
HoRNet TheNormalizer v1.3.2 WiN OSX

WiN OSX | 23.64 MB
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TheNormalizer is a gain plugin designed to help you get proper gain staging and set each track of your mix and each bus to the level you want automatically.

It’s the plugin that encapsulate our auto-gain technology in a single package, with TheNormalizer you can automatically gain stage all of your tracks thanks to the grouping function or you can normailize your buses to the LUFS you want, also if you need to meet some maximum peak specification you can also normalize to the specific dBFS level.

And the best is that once the gain has been set the plugin only uses the CPU needed by a simple multiplication, so it doesn’t tax your computer at all.

TheNormalizer also has a handy “continuous mode” that can be used to continuously adjust the gain amount to match the level you set. This is similar to the behaviour of AutoGain Pro set with the internal reference and it’s perfect to slowly adjust the loudness of a dynamic track (like a voiceover for example).

The plugin offers a very easy and simple interface that allows you to quickly adjust the parameters.
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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 614 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: win, TheNormalizer, osx, Hornet, v1.3.2 | Rating: 0.0/0
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