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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Synthctrl - Lo Fi Pack for Serum
Synthctrl - Lo Fi Pack for Serum

Presets | 3.32 MB

Our Lo Fi Pack it's charged with nostalgic Serum presets, this style of music has become one of the most listened music genres on the internet in the last years.
Born from the combination of the Low Fidelity of old recordings and the Hip Hop beats from the late 80s, this genre has the versatility to be the perfect background music while you study, work or just relax or it can become such a success to position itself on charts as Flying Lotus, XXXTentacion or the emblematic Nujabes.

This pack contains everything you need to turn your music into a Lo Fi viral hit.

What's included?
- More than 125 Serum Presets

9 Bass Presets
77 Key Presets
10 Lead Presets
23 Pad Presets
9 Pluck Presets

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 309 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: pack, for, Fi, lo, Synthctrl, Serum | Rating: 0.0/0
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