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Home » Sound Libraries » Steven Shaeffer Cryptic 2077 WAV
Steven Shaeffer Cryptic 2077 WAV

WAV | 140 MB

explore the sound of the future - featuring 250+ wavs created by cryptic & steven shaeffer to elevate your productions; expand your sound library with out of the ordinary tones that’ll let you break any creative boundaries - ranging from unorthodox 808 + basses to distorted tonal percussion + toms to claps / snares / rimshots that you never heard before.

designed for an easy workflow; just drag and drop the sounds into your DAW - each sound was created / curated / mixed by cryptic & steven schaeffer with a lot of attention for detail to ensure the best quality possible.

[ inspired by the sounds of kanye west, black panther: the album, movies like tenet + interstellar and games like cyberpunk 2077 to develop a sonic identity of the future ]

265 sounds in total - details:

29 808 / basses - 16 claps - 29 hi-hats - 34 kicks - 22 open-hats - 48 percussion one-shots - 19 rimshots - 39 snares - 25 toms - 3 vox

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 124 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Shaeffer, Cryptic, Steven, wav, 2077 | Rating: 0.0/0
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