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Home » Sound Libraries » BasedBoyDMarc Cryptic (Drum Kit) WAV FST
BasedBoyDMarc Cryptic (Drum Kit) WAV FST

WAV FST | 252 MB

Unlock hidden potential with Cryptic Drum Kit. With its custom-crafted sound, you'll feel inspired to explore new avenues of creation and discover the secret messages embedded within. Craft the soundscape you've been dreaming of and take your music to the next level.

•31 808
•13 Bass
•10 Claps
•13 Snares
•15 Hi Hats
•11 Open Hats
•6 Kicks
•14 Percs
•5 Vox
•17 Loops
•10 OneShots
•7 Presets (Must Have FL21 To Have)

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 86 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Cryptic, FST, wav, (Drum, Kit), BasedBoyDMarc | Rating: 0.0/0
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