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Home » Mac OSX » Steinberg Cubase Artist v9.5.41 X64 MAC OSX
Steinberg Cubase Artist v9.5.41 X64 MAC OSX

x64 Mac OSX | 949.1 MB
Links update: 04/04/2020

With a rich feature set tailored to instrumentalists and songwriters who put music first, Cubase Artist offers all you need to develop your songs and productions from scratch. Streamlined recording and vocal editing tools, inspirational composing features, superb virtual instruments, FX, amps, and much more — Cubase Artist offers a wealth of opportunities for aspiring artists seeking its equal in price and quality.

- Working crack for 64-bit Cubase Artist v.9.5.41 Mac version only. Installation.pdf and .rtf for installation steps.
- Extra features are unlimited track count, means there is no limit for example how many audio tracks there can be. It is based on old Cubase Elements 7.0.7 unlimited track patch someone made, so to get more tracks just duplicate tracks when at track limit instead of adding tracks to pass limit. At extreme track counts some times need to use project loading workaround to get project loaded.
- Fixed from previous 9.5.40 version: “Mono audio only” problem in some computers, “white noise” problems, “sends not working” bug and some other bugs mentioned in earlier version are fixed. On the other hand there is one new bug, which is that sometimes Cubase can crash in some heavy operations like when duplicating 256 tracks to get 512 tracks.
- If there are Cubase Elements 8 trial license problems running Steinberg elc-helper eLC Installation Helper for Mac OS X 10.8 or later solves them. It always removes all licenses from soft-elicenser and creates new soft-licenser with new serial number, so after this Elements 8 trial can be installed again.
- in OSX 10.11 there is no window when launching Cubase, so needs to wait initialization, which is long at first launch.

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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 1061 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Mac, osx, x64, v9.5.41, Cubase, Steinberg, Artist | Rating: 5.0/1
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