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Steinberg Cubase Artist v8.0.40 X64 WiN

WiN X64 | 344.75 MB

Links update: 12/05/2020

Discover the artist within you

With a rich feature set tailored to instrumentalists and songwriters who put music first, Cubase Artist offers all you need to develop your songs and productions from scratch. Streamlined recording and vocal editing tools, inspirational composing features, superb virtual instruments, FX, amps, and much more — Cubase Artist offers a wealth of opportunities for aspiring artists seeking its equal in price and quality.

- Working crack for Cubase Artist 8.0.40 64-bit Windows version only.
- Cubase Elements 8 or later Soft-Elicenser trial license is needed for working mediabay, and some content/EQ/FX in Cubase Artist 8.0.40. Artist launches also without CE8 trial.
- Below instructions to get unlimited CE8 trial, Also instead of trial this works, which means Elements 8.0 trial need not to be installed. Steinberg VST Sound Instrument Sets rev.3-V.R
- Patched files are executable, other files are direct copy from Cubase Elements 8.0.40
- HalionSonicSE works with Artist Content, GrooveAgentSE with Groove Agent One Content, FXs are Elements level, MixConsole works fully with EQ/Pre-gain/ChannelStrip, some content will not load.
- 32-bit bridge works after letting VSTBridgeapp through firewall when it asks it
- Not much workarounds needed, but chords type needs to be input from MIDI keyboard or Cubase virtual keyboard in chord track.
- Tested in Virtual machine clean OS, also tested in real system unclean OS with many plugins, but need to find out if method is actually good
- Download links are for Artist installer and Artist update are: Cubase Pro 8 Complete Installation
 Cubase Pro 8.0.40 Update

To install Cubase Artist 8.0.40:

Install Cubase Elements 8 trial
0. Install Elicenser control center if it has not been installed already from elicenser site
1. Install (CubaseElements8TRIAL.zip) Cubase Elements 8 trial from Start Center only
- Works 30 days this way
- To erase all licenses in Soft-Elicenser and reinstall Cubase Elements 8 trial:
2. After 30 days uninstall Elicense control center, uninstall Elements 8, delete C:\ProgramData\Syncrosoft\SeLicenser.sel, restart computer
3. Install again ELement 8 trial from Start Center only after restart computer
4. repeat 2 and 3 after 30 days
- there are other ways too to get unlimited trial license

Install Artist:
1. Install Cubase 8.0 64-bit from Start Center in Cubase 8.0 ISO or zip, for example from Steinberg Cubase 8.0 site or elsewhere.
2. Update Cubase to 8.0.40 with updater from Cubase 8.0 site
3. Delete Cubase 8\VST3 folder
4. Delete Cubase 8\VSTPlugins folder
5. Replace and copy to C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase 8 files in ca8040patch.zip
6. Disconnect possible Steinberg USB-Elicenser if it contains Cubase trials/licenses. Soft-Elicensers work normally.
7. Start Cubase 8 and select Cubase Artist
8. Disable steinberg hub in preferences/general

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Category: WiN | Views: 1160 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: x64, Steinberg, v8.0.40, Cubase, Artist, win | Rating: 0.0/0
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