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Home » Sound Libraries » Squadpack Instead Of Drums 1 Foley Sample Pack WAV
Squadpack Instead Of Drums 1 Foley Sample Pack WAV

WAV | 105 MB

Replace your drums with something unique.

ometimes drums just don't cut it. We thought so too.

That's why we decided to start a new product line entirely dedicated to sounds meant to replace your standard drum kit.

The samples in Instead Of Drums are versatile enough for most genres, but really shine when used for focused rhythmic passages or played on drumpads.

These sounds were created by striking, shaking, spraying and rubbing baking sheets, pans, buckets, bowls, spraycans, soda cans, and other household items in different ways. Those recordings were then thoughtfully processed.

The results are mix-ready oneshots that hit in all the right spots, but more importantly, are fun & easy to use.

If you're looking to spice up your beats, look no further!

In this pack:

•Bonus Loops - 36 (Available only in Instead Of Drums)
•Kicks - 50
•Hats - 50
•Snares - 50

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 386 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: wav, Sample, Foley, Drums, pack, Instead, Squadpack, of | Rating: 0.0/0
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