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Beat Batter Kits Drums In Colour WhoSampled Crates Sample Pack WAV

WAV | 328.90 MB

Drums In Colour is a collection of 100 original drum breaks and percussion loops. The vision when creating this kit was to revive the drum tones and textures of the late 60s and 70s. Each drum break and percussion loop was recorded and mixed giving specific warm tone, color and character, achieved by the live room and gear used. Mics used include Coles 4038 ribbon mic and Shure SM57s. Reel to reel tape saturation, natural ambience and analog processing equipment were the main components to achieve this goal: Chandler TG2 Abbey Road, UA 1176, Teletronix LA2A, among others. Drums In Colour is a must have for any music producer’s toolbox.

The resulting audio files are mixed to the highest standard and delivered in high quality 24bit 44.1khz WAV format, organized by metadata including bpm and song key info where necessary. Just drag and drop files into any DAW.


About Beat Batter Kits:

Beat Batter is a boutique sound library supplying music creators with original drum samples, loops, and sound design elements. Each kit contains its own unique collection of sounds, meticulously designed from scratch, with the producer in mind. The “think outside the box” approach for each individual sound, whether it be abnormal recording techniques, textures or fine details, is what separates Beat Batter from other libraries.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 340 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Batter, kits, beat, WhoSampled, Sample, Drums, in, Colour, wav, pack, Crates | Rating: 0.0/0
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