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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Spectrasonics Keyscape Software 1.1.3c UPDATE [WiN-OSX]
Spectrasonics Keyscape Software 1.1.3c UPDATE [WiN-OSX]

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KEYSCAPE™ is an extraordinary new virtual instrument featuring the largest selection of collector keyboards in the world. From “holy grail” pianos to stunning keyboards you didn’t even know existed, this is a keyboardist’s dream come true.

Spectrasonics Keyscape Software 1.1.3c UPDATE WiN-OSX

Keyscape Software 1.1.3c 6-3-20
Includes the following features and fixes:

Fixes issues with host automation parameters in Logic Pro 10.5
Fixes bug where existing automation assignments were deleted after Unlearning an automation assignment
Fixes bug where new automation IDs were incorrectly assigned after Unlearning an automation assignment
Fixes intermittent crash when opening saved Logic Pro X projects on macOS 10.15
Fixes bug where patches in user libraries were not listed in alphabetical order when STEAM was on an APFS drive
Improved Authorization process and GUI layout

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 466 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: software, Update, Keyscape, WiN-OSX, spectrasonics, 1.1.3c | Rating: 0.0/0
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