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Home » Mac OSX » Sonic Studio Amarra Vinyl v2.0 MAC-UNION
Sonic Studio Amarra Vinyl v2.0 MAC-UNION
Team UNION | Mac OSX  | 31.96 MB
Links update: 08/02/2024
Based on the same technology used by archivists for recording of analog and digital sources Amarra Vinyl brings together an extensive a set of capabilities. With a complement of processing starting with a double precision digital RIAA curve and Sonic EQ users can perform precise adjustments to timbre and spectral sound. The award-winning NoNOISE restoration tools have been used on thousands of major classical CD recordings and support the ability to create pristine-sounding high-resolution audio tracks for use with iTunes and other applications.
 Amarra Vinyl is designed specifically for the complete audio workflow of recording, processing, and restoration to the creation of individual tracks.
Digitize your albums or tapes using Sonic Studio Engine
Record Mono/Stereo Recording to AIFF or WAV (with metadata)
Supports all sample rates up to 192 kHz
Double Precision RIAA curve
Precise Scalable Metering
Drag and Drop previously=recorded files from Finder or iTunes
Powerful Audio Editing
Precision Waveforms for accurate display
Unlmited adjustable Fade curves (Cosine/Linear/Exponential)
Built-In DeClick and DeCrackle NoNOISE II
Remove ticks, clicks, pops, scratches
Two Types of Manual DeClick II repair tools
Restores the entire file or repairs a small selection with surgical accuracy
Double precision 4 Band minimal phase EQ with 13 Filter Topologies
Export as AIFF or WAV (with metadata)
Export single track or full album in one step
Export pristine tracks for Amarra and other music players

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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 1293 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: v2.0, Studio, Sonic, Vinyl, Amarra, Mac | Rating: 0.0/0
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