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Home » Mac OSX » Sonic Studio Amarra For Tidal 2.2.1261 MacOSX
Sonic Studio Amarra For Tidal 2.2.1261 MacOSX

P2P | March 21 2017 | 171 MB
Links update: 06/01/2020

Amarra for TIDAL brings the award-winning Amarra sound to your TIDAL music experience! Amarra for TIDAL integrates TIDAL with the great sound of Amarra.

Amarra for TIDAL is quality sound processing that is easy to use
• Amarra Audio Engine bypasses your computers audio system
• Easily create and save your favorite Tracks, Albums, and Artists
• High fidelity playback for your high fidelity TIDAL music


• Personalize your sound with EQ presets for genres and compensation curves for popular headphone or speakers
• Access all TIDAL recommended Tracks, Albums, Playlists, and Genres
• Collect and organize your favorite music on TIDAL
• Carousel and Full Artwork views
• Share your playlists with your mobile device
• High Fidelity music deserves a higher fidelity player

Customizable EQ
• Take control of the sound from your TIDAL lossless stream
• Fully customizable, professional-level EQ
• Presets for different genres and speakers or headphones
• Optimize the sound of your favorite songs
• Save and recall unlimited personalized presets

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Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version

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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 893 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: MacOSX, Studio, Sonic, 2.2.1261, for, Amarra, Tidal | Rating: 0.0/0
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