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Home » Mac OSX » Sonic Studio Amarra v2.4 MAC OSX-UNION
Sonic Studio Amarra v2.4 MAC OSX-UNION
Team UNION | MAC OSX | 39.06 MB
Links update: 28/11/2023
Amarra is the 384 kHz/24 bit-compatible audiophile-grade computer music player designed for the ultimate in audiophile performance.
It's based on the same engine of SonicStudio's SoundBlade and PreMasterCD.
- Supports up to 384 kHz sample rates 
- Automatic sample rate adjustment 
- Double-precision audio processing
- RAM-based Cache for disk-free operation
- Native FLAC playback & conversion 
- Advanced 4 band Sonic EQ 
- Choice of different dither algorithms



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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 1105 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Amarra, Sonic Studio | Rating: 0.0/0
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