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Home » Tutorial » Sonic Academy Progressive Trance 2019 with Protoculture TUTORiAL MERRY XMAS
Sonic Academy Progressive Trance 2019 with Protoculture TUTORiAL MERRY XMAS

SYNTHiC4TE | 7.68 GB

After a ton of requests Protoculture's back for an all-new How To Make Progressive Trance course and it's MASSIVE!

Whatever genre you're into this is one of those tracks where after listening, you'll want to know how it's created and luckily for you guys we get to see this one built from scratch.

Completely unscripted, Nate lets his experimental side shine through along with his mastery of synths, vst tools, automation and effects, this 6 and half hour epic course will show you how a pro gets results.

Easy to follow yet incredibly detailed, Nate always explains the 'why' as well as the 'how' in-depth so there's something for everyone.

A brilliant track full of different techniques and definitely one to check out!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 588 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Merry, Progressive, Sonic, Xmas, with, Protoculture, Trance, 2019, tutorial, Academy | Rating: 0.0/0
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