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Skillshare Music Composition with the Piano TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 7.96 GB
Links update: 24/07/2022

Unleash your composing & songwriting with tools to unblock the writing process and generate material at the piano with ease, whether you're a beginner or intermediate at piano & music theory.

The course consists of four core elements: 

•Piano technique, theory & arrangement.
•Fundamental & advanced harmony & music theory.
•Compositional techniques and strategies 
•Piano chords, progressions and songwriting

What you will learn. 

•Express yourself and your musical ideas fluently, at the keyboard and DAW
•Use extended music theory without reading a line of music
•Compose different styles of music; filmic, classical, jazz and mainstream through a fundamental understanding of harmony
•Build interesting chord progressions

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 963 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Music, Skillshare, Composition, with, the, Piano, tutorial | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 4
1 singularpiano  
0 Spam
Thank you so much! I tried looking here for the other course this composer provides (“Practicing and Arranging with the Piano” on Skillshare or “How to Practice Piano for Composers” on Udemy), but I couldn’t find it. If it has been uploaded please let me know, cause I would love to have it. Thanks again :)

2 engine2054  
0 Spam
Hello Admin! Could you please restore the links. I trying to donwload through rg but, somthing wrong happening...

3 engine2054  
0 Spam
Thanks in advance

4 shlyapa  
Hi. Updated!

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