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Home » Tutorial » Skillshare Composing Music with a MIDI Instrument TUTORiAL
Skillshare Composing Music with a MIDI Instrument TUTORiAL


Have you always been curious about MIDI instruments? Maybe you've dabbled with MIDI keyboards in the past, but having seen all the interesting new styles of instruments in recent years, your curiosity has increased?

In this class, we're going to explore composing an original track using a Maschine Mikro MK3. We will build our drumline, chords, and melody within the software Maschine 2 using our instrument, then transition our loop into Ableton Live 11 for final production and arrangement.

This is for anyone who is curious about how MIDI instruments aid in the composition process. For those taking this class, any type of MIDI instrument and DAW can be used to follow along. But even if you don't have an instrument yet, this class may help you in your decision to buy one.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 231 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Instrument, Composing, Skillshare, Music, midi, with, tutorial | Rating: 0.0/0
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