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Home » WiN » Reason RE Skrock SMFX Reverb v1.0.1
Reason RE Skrock SMFX Reverb v1.0.1

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SMFX Reverb is not meant to replace any existing Reverb plugin in your rack. But if you want to add a subtly pitched shifted space to some plucks, maybe give your pads a deeper more lush sound, or just add something weird to make a track stand out, this is a Reverb for you.

Key features:
- Digital Reverb Effect With Drift, Chorus and Built-In Ducking
- Bell EQ and Brickwall Filter + Low-Cut, High-Cut and Damping
- Phase Modulation, Pitch Modulation, Tap Delay and Lo-Fi

- Digital Reverb with Drift, Chorus and Pitch Mod
- Bell EQ, Brickwall Filter and Lo-Fi

Product Description:
Digital Reverb Rack Extension with automatic Ducking, Pitch Drift, Chorus, and more.

- Time, Delay(Pre-Delay), Lo-Fi(Bit-Reduction)
- Bell EQ(Freq and Gain), Low-Pass Brickwall, Lo-Cut, Hi-Cut, Damp
- Drift(Pitch Drift), Chorus, Phaser(On/Off), Tap-Delay(On/Off), Pitch Mod(On/Off)
- Duck(Sidechain), Width(Stereo Width 0 - 150%), Dry/Wet

Update 1.0.1
- Updated interface design.
- Pitch Modulation has an increased range to two octaves. This can be switched on/off on the back panel.

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Category: WiN | Views: 278 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Reason, Reverb, v1.0.1, Skrock, SMFX, RE | Rating: 0.0/0
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