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Home » WiN » Reason RE Lectric Panda - Torsion v1.0.0
Reason RE Lectric Panda - Torsion v1.0.0

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Torsion is a granular audio device. Samples are played back in small segments called grains. Many grains can play back at the same time, each with its own snapshot of parameters. This simple mechanism can create complex and psychedelic sounds including drone synthesis, stutters, glitches, reverbs, pitch smearing, time smearing, chord generation, texture clouds, sonic bursting, and many sounds that are too strange to be named.

There are 3 grain engines and 6 user audio samples. Each grain engine can use any of the 6 samples. Each grain engine also has a dedicated loop LFO that is used to loop over samples. Torsion has 6 Stereo LFOs, 3 Stereo Drift Modulators, 3 Stereo Noise Modulators, and a 32 point Modulation Matrix.

- Sample Processing
- 3 Grain Engines
- Patch Generator

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Category: WiN | Views: 278 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: RE, Reason, Lectric, Panda, Torsion, v1.0.0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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