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Home » WiN » Reason RE Lectric Panda - Janitor CV Shaper v1.0.0
Reason RE Lectric Panda - Janitor CV Shaper v1.0.0

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Janitor CV Shaper is a elegant and minimal way to modify your CV signals and get them sounding how you need them. It contains two independent CV shaper units, each with a visual input and output scope.

- Scale Expand or contract the input signal.
- Offset Add or subtract base CV level.
- Attack Increase the time it takes for a signal to rise.

- Decay Increases the time it takes for a signal to fall.

- All controllers can be modulated in the back via CV inputs.
- The Offset controller can double as a parameter automation to CV converter.
- Offset parameter is stepped to allow easy CV note transposition.
- Each unit has 4 CV outputs, one inverted.

- CV Shaper
- Input and output scope
- Attack and decay

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Category: WiN | Views: 273 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Panda, Lectric, RE, v1.0.0, Reason, Shaper, cv, janitor | Rating: 0.0/0
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