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Home » WiN » Reason RE Blamsoft Polymodular CV Splitter v1.0.3
Reason RE Blamsoft Polymodular CV Splitter v1.0.3

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CV Splitter provides eight channels of splitting in a 1U device. Each splitter has four outputs. CV Splitter also has two voltage-controlled amplifiers.

In order to do this kind of splitting with a Spider splitter, it would take four devices and 2U of rack space, and you would only have three non-inverted outputs. CV Splitter is perfect for the Polymodular System, which supports eight voices. And it has a cool Polymodular System logo.

CV Splitter also has two voltage-controlled amplifiers for controlling the level of CV signals. The front panel Amp controls act as additional level controls for the VCAs. The D Inverted button controls whether the D output is normal or inverted.

New in version 1.0.3:
- Increased splitter clip level

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Category: WiN | Views: 252 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: cv, Polymodular, Splitter, Blamsoft, Reason, v1.0.3, RE | Rating: 0.0/0
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