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Home » WiN » Reason RE Blamsoft Distributor v1.2.4
Reason RE Blamsoft Distributor v1.2.4

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Distributor allows individual Reason instruments to become voices in a larger polyphonic instrument. And allows for interesting variation in monophonic sequences.

In the Polymodular System, Distributor is used as the voice controller when building polyphonic synthesizers.

- Create exciting meta-instruments!

Product Description:
In typical digital polyphonic instruments, all of the voices have exactly the same tuning and timbre. But this isn't the case for analog and acoustic instruments. Modern day analog synthesizers have separate circuits for each voice and each circuit can differ due to slightly different component values, and differences in trim pot settings. And some famous classic analog synthesizers, such as the Oberheim Four Voice, are true multi-voice instruments. When used with the VK-1 Viking Synthesizer, it allows the monophonic synthesizer to become a full featured multi-voice synthesizer.

In addition to being a polyphonic voice controller, Distributor includes a full set of voice modes found in analog synthesizers, like voice layering and some hard to find modes, such as Hold, Chord, and Freeze from Oberheim instruments. Distributor also features a full set of CV outputs, mapping MIDI pitch wheel, mod wheel, aftertouch, and sustain to CV jacks in addition to Gate and Note. The Distributor rotor clearly indicates the current pattern and adds some fun.

"The main reason I ended up not buying VK-1 was the lack of polyphony. Distributor solves this and opens up a whole new world of fun ways to sequence and play instruments in Reason.
Reminds me of Korg's Monopoly." - Fridtjof Olsen

Check out the pre-configured Combinators for VK-1, Pulsar, Subtractor, Malstrom, and Thor at www.blamsoft.com/tutorials.

New in version 1.2.4:
Fixed PolyCV output stuck notes

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Category: WiN | Views: 222 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Distributor, RE, Reason, v1.2.4, Blamsoft | Rating: 0.0/0
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