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Home » Sound Libraries » Push Button Bang EDM Vocal FX WAV
Push Button Bang EDM Vocal FX WAV

FANTASTiC | Nov 09 2016 | 346 MB
Links update: 02/11/2017

Who doesn’t need quality vocal touches to add AWESOME tones, melodies and hits in their EDM.

Push Button Bang present 520 UNIQUE, ORIGINAL VOCAL FX perfect for all forms of EDM and MODERN club music.

Vocoded notes, stabs, mysterious washes, big vocal reverbs, long notes and tones, short stabs and incidental hits, Incredibly flexible, play in a sampler to make melodies, combine them together to make AMAZING, ORIGINAL vocal sequences or use individually as one off fx touches.

All perfectly cut, key-mapped and divided into ROOT NOTE FOLDERS, so you can find your starting point fast.

This pack is BURSTING with usable vox touches and GUARANTEED to be useful in all your tracks.

•24 Bit Quality
•520 Keymapped Vocal FX Samples

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 1754 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Bang, Push, FX, vocal, Button, wav, EDM | Rating: 0.0/0
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