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Home » Sound Libraries » Push Button Bang Deep House Sax 2 WAV
Push Button Bang Deep House Sax 2 WAV

FANTASTiC | 01 March 2019 | 282 MB

Deep House Sax 2 features 260 sublime sax loops for Deep House and Chilled Electronica.

The collection is divided into expertly played baritone and tenor sections, with each part being completely unique, beautifully played and easily chopped or combined with other parts. Recorded perfectly with a warm rich feel, the content is mix-ready. Simply place in your track , adjust level and choose your preferred reverb.

The loops can be used individually to create catchy hooks or placed in any order to create beautiful, longer improvisational sax solos in your track. All loops at 124 bpm, key mapped with root notes and ranging in length from two to sixteen bars.

You will find countless inspirational moments in the playing, with so many catchy sequences, improvisations and solo parts that can be quickly fused together to create any kind of saxophone sequence.

PBB invites you to download and give your production some seriously inspiring deep saxophone solos.

Please Note: Only saxophone Loops are included in this product, other sounds in the Demo are for illustration only

•24 Bit Quality
•260 Saxophone Loops

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 680 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: wav, Push, House, Button, Sax, Bang, Deep | Rating: 0.0/0
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