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 Push Button Bang Ableton Pro Mix Racks 2

Links update: 11/05/2020

Push button bang presents ABLETON PRO MIX RACKS 2

An absolutely astounding new addition of 200 Ableton audio effects racks for all your mixing and processing needs.

This second chapter in the series builds on the solid foundations of the first, providing a whole new array of practical and exotic processing effect racks for your electronic music.

You’ll this find all kinds of effects from amazing group and buss processes, lead synth pluck and pad go to options for all kinds of EDM and electronica, experimental studio tools, ambient creators, instant first and and finalisers for specific parts, excellent pro starting points of acoustic instrument placement and tones, plus more technical racks to offer quick control of more advanced processing features within live.

Please check the full effect list to get an idea of contents.

Take your dry preset, instrument or sample and quickly shape it into a perfectly processed professional sound, cutting down production time and producing magical sounding results with ease. The mix rack library is divided into folders based on suggested general instrument/channel type use.

It is very easy to preview and select the perfect mix processing effect for any particular sound. Then use the rack as is to immediately enhance the sound or tweak quickly until its just right for you.

Plus, you can now grab the entire MIX RACK COMPLETE COLLECTION, comprising 350 effect racks in total and get a bonus price discount!

The ABLETON PRO MIX RACK series give you full mixing and processing control within live, enabling you to shape every instrument, group and master track into the perfect professional result for your chosen genre of electronic music.

Please Note: Requires Ableton Live 9.6.1+

•200 Ableton Effects Racks
•11 Auxiliary Channels
•18 Bass Channels
•16 Buss Channels
•29 Drum Channels
•10 Instrument Channels
•27 Lead Channels
•5 Noise FX Channels
•4 Pads & Strings Channels
•5 Pluck Channels
•37 Studio Channels
•18 Synth Channels
•17 Vocal Channels

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 943 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: pro, Button, Ableton, Push, RACKS, Bang, Mix | Rating: 0.0/0
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