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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Puremagnetik Weave RETAiL WiN OSX
Puremagnetik Weave RETAiL WiN OSX

WiN/OSX | 31.6MB
Links update: 15/07/2021

Weave | Buffer Drone & Space Machine
Puremagnetik experimental duo Larum - known for their signature tape drones and dreamy, ambient soundscapes - invite you into their world with a complementary plugin.

Alongside the album, they have also released Weave - a buffer manipulator, space and soundscape machine inspired by drone and tape music. Now Larum have made this tool available for you to use your studio too!

Minimum Requirements
- OSX 10.8 or Windows 10 x64
- Audio Units or VST compatible audio host

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 397 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: win, osx, Weave, Puremagnetik, retail | Rating: 0.0/0
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