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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Puremagnetik Plectrik v1.0.2 RETAiL [WIN OSX]
Puremagnetik Plectrik v1.0.2 RETAiL [WIN OSX]

Team DECiBEL | 32.3MB
Links update: 16/07/2021

Plectrik | String Resonator Synthesizer
Plectrik is a versatile string resonator synthesizer. It was designed to create simple, elegant tones that can be sculpted into plucked and bowed articulations. Plectrik can produce timbres ranging from harpsichord to bowed strings to mallet percussion and more.

Plectrik's internal workings employ Karplus-Strong algorithms fed into a soft overdrive. An optional ring modulator provides augmented and chaotic tone design. The final stage of the signal passes through a Moog-style low pass filter and a fixed delay "doubling" module.

Whether you are scoring a film, creating EDM or writing experimental music, Plectrik has a unique sound palette guaranteed to inspire your productions.

Plectrik Features
- Karplus-Strong Synthesis Core
- Resonator "Body" Selection
- Wood and Metal Physical Modeling
- Soft Overdrive / Distortion
- Built-in Mod Delay
- Built-in Ring Modulator

Minimum Requirements
- OSX 10.8 or Windows 10 x64
- Audio Units or VST compatible audio host

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 459 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: osx, v1.0.2, Plectrik, retail, win, Puremagnetik | Rating: 0.0/0
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