Puremagnetik Cloud Machine v1.0.1 RETAiL (WIN OSX)
Team DECiBEL | 33.9MB
Cloud Machine | Spectral Blur and Space Creator
Cloud Machine is a spectral blurring and space utility. It creates sweeping clouds of resynthesized particles from any audio input. Use it in real time to turn your voice into a glacial canvas. Process drums, vocals and synthesizers to create shimmering, evolving textures. You can use Cloud Machine for subtle effects, or crank it up for the unexpected!
Cloud Machine Features
• Spectral blurring and resynthesis
• Spectral pitch shifting
• Dedicated, stereo reverb effect
• Integrates into any VST / Audio Units compatible host
• Includes a collection of factory presets
Minimum Requirements
• OSX 10.8 or Windows 10 x64
• Audio Units or VST compatible audio host
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