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Home » Sound Libraries » Polyphonic Music Library Tape Breaks Vol.1 WAV
Polyphonic Music Library Tape Breaks Vol.1 WAV

WAV | 122 MB

Polyphonic is excited to introduce a new installment to the library collection.

Tape Breaks Vol.1 consists of 15 RAW ANALOG drum breaks, including over 50 1 shots of Kicks, Snares, Hi Hats, Cymbals, and Tom Fills.

All recorded to tape and processed thru tons of ANALOG TUBE gear to give you maximum warmth, punch and tone.

ALL these breaks sound like they were pulled straight off a 90s boom bap record.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 400 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: library, wav, Polyphonic, Vol.1, Breaks, Tape, Music | Rating: 0.0/0
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