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Home » Sound Libraries » Oasis Music Library Sam Aether Cassette Tape Breaks Volume 2 WAV
Oasis Music Library Sam Aether Cassette Tape Breaks Volume 2 WAV

WAV | 123 MB

Dusty. Crunchy. and Warm: Cassette Tape Breaks returns for Volume 2 and is better than ever. Another addition to your go-to drum folder - the embodiment of limitation creating innovation.

Includes: 35 Drumbreaks, 15 Fills / Perc Loops, and 25 Assorted One Shots all directly recorded through a 6 track cassette portastudio.

All drums were Recorded, Designed, and Mixed by Sam Aether.

•Formatted as 24bit WAV files (compatible with every daw). Simply drag, drop, and chop away.
•All one-shots/fills and percussion loops are completely Royalty Free
•Loops inside the “DRUMBREAKS” folder are instead covered by our Master Clearance Agreement - essentially royalty free unless used on a major label equivalent record and even then we are extremely fair and hassle free.
•Please email us at [ clearance@oasismusiclibrary.com ] to get in touch about any Master and Publishing Clearances. ("Master Clearance" Guaranteed)

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 159 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: library, wav, Aether, Music, Breaks, Volume, SAM, Tape, Cassette, Oasis | Rating: 0.0/0
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