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Home » Mac OSX » Plugin Alliance Lindell Audio MBC v1.0.4 U2B Mac
Plugin Alliance Lindell Audio MBC v1.0.4 U2B Mac

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Lindell Audio SBC — A faithful emulation of the classic API® analog bus compressor.

Lindell Audio provided an exacting emulation of the original API® 2500 compressor—one of the most popular stereo bus compressors of all time. Now, the new MBC brings this iconic analog bus compressor to the multiband domain. VCA compressor is a perennial favorite on mix bus, drums, vocals, bass, and any source that demands aggressive compression without compromising on tone. Now with three independent bands for separate compression of lows, mids and highs, the MBC solves even more problems and opens up more possibilities than its predecessors.

Smooth, punchy glue, now in multiband form
With the release of the SBC, Lindell Audio provided an exacting emulation of the original API® 2500 compressor—one of the most popular stereo bus compressors of all time. Now, the new MBC brings this iconic analog bus compressor to the multiband domain.

Same great tone with extra power and flexibility
Transparent yet assertive, smooth yet punchy, this style of VCA compressor is a perennial favorite on mix bus, drums, vocals, bass, and any source that demands aggressive compression without compromising on tone. Now with three independent bands for separate compression of lows, mids and highs, the MBC solves even more problems and opens up more possibilities than its predecessors.

Easily split process your bass, get more transparent drum compression, and even greater vocal control
Just like the single-band version, the MBC is a must-have on the mix bus. But with its multiple bands, it does so much more: Use it to split process your bass, getting tight, well-controlled lows without over-compressing your mids. Add some control to the midrange of your drums without adding artifacts to your cymbals or weakening your kick drum. Give vocals plenty of squeeze without undue sibilance, and much more.

Unique features for custom-tailoring your compression
The MBC is full of features for adjusting the color of your compression, like Lindell’s added “SMASH” button for extra crush on drum tracks and vocal performances. A special sidechain filter circuit applies optional low cut and high boost to the compressor’s detector. You can even select between “feedforward” and “feedback” operation, or decide exactly how much the left and right channels should interact with each other.

Make masters and stems shine
In addition to being perfect for regular mixing, the multiband characteristics of the MBC make it even better suited to mastering applications and working from stems. When you are looking to solve problems and reshape sounds while adding some upfront and assertive character, the MBC has your back.

 Faithful emulation of the API® 2500 compressor and 2520 Op Amp with three compressor bands: Low, Mid and High
 Flexible crossover selection for custom tailoring your frequency bands
 A suite of useful presets for all major applications and instrument groups
 Full variable wet/dry Mix knob
 Unique filter section provides the option of low cut and high boost for precisely targeted compression
 Variable link between left and right channels
 Select older "feed back" or more modern "feed forward" compression
 Added “SMASH” option for even more aggressive compression
 Selectable ratio, attack and release times
 Soft, medium or hard knee for gentler or sharper compression tones
 Auto and manual gain make up

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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 66 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Alliance, v1.0.4, Audio, Mac, U2B, Plugin, Lindell, MBC | Rating: 0.0/0
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