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Home » Mac OSX » Plugin Alliance SPL Machine Head v1.0.0 U2B Mac
Plugin Alliance SPL Machine Head v1.0.0 U2B Mac

AU | VST3 | 25.8 MB

The ultimate tape emulation plugin, backed by SPL Heritage

SPL’s Machine Head is the finest digital tape saturator ever built. With the tone of tape becoming so popular in pro production circles, this discontinued hardware is in demand. Many plugin developers have tried and failed to capture the magic of its code, until now. Add those smooth harmonics to any signal minus the drawbacks of tape: no crosstalk, no noise floor, no fluctuations in motor speed. Get the sonic richness of tape, in a clean, controlled digital package.

Exact 1-to-1 replication of the original code from the iconic SPL Machine Head hardware
Authentic analog tape sound: precise models of analog tape saturation
Ultimate Mode: enhanced clarity, spatiality, and frequency control for modern workflows.
Low Frequency Adjust: Compensates for head resonance and tape speed artifacts.
High Frequency Adjust: Fine resolution for precise tonal adjustments.
Drive Parameter: Doubled resolution for detailed saturation control.
Selectable Tape Speed: Choose between 15ips and 30ips
High-speed recording simulation
Warmth and character without crosstalk, pre/post echoes, noise floor,
Dynamic Tape Compression

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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 73 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: U2B, v1.0.0, Head, Plugin, SPL, Mac, Alliance, machine | Rating: 0.0/0
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