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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Plughugger The Void for Omnisphere 2
Plughugger The Void for Omnisphere 2

Omnisphere presets | 8.79 MB
Links update: 20/07/2023

The Void is an ambient and cinematic soundset for Omnisphere 2 with the focus on sounds with a slow meditative character. The majority of the sounds are built upon the factory recordings in Omnisphere: bells, ethnic chants and assorted instruments from India and Asia such as Sitars, Chinese Temple Flutes and of course Tibetan Singing Bowls. These sounds were then layered, processed and stretched with the granular engine into entirely new sounds and soundscapes.

To really bring out the meditative character of the sounds we also recorded a handful of vocals clips typical for guiding in meditation.

The Void contains 202 sounds in the following categories:

15 Arpeggios/Sequences
9 Ethnic World sounds
13 Human Voices
8 Pads & Strings
11 Poly Synth sounds
96 Textures and Soundscapes
50 Multi sounds

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 919 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Plughugger, Omnisphere, for, Void, the | Rating: 0.0/0
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