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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Plughugger - Cellos of Darkness for Omnisphere
Plughugger - Cellos of Darkness for Omnisphere

Presets | 2.51 MB

Cellos of Darkness is a cinematic and ambient collection entirely based on the sound of strange cellos in Omnisphere. This soundset is the spiritual cousin to Inferno, which is based on the infamous burning piano. This collection of sounds is mainly based on the psycho-acoustic recordings of cellos in Omnisphere, many of which made by sound designer mastermind Diego Stocco.

But to bring in the soundset somewhat down to earth we decided to cast a wider net, and also include synthetic recordings of cellos, such as Mellotrons and old Yamaha toy keyboards.

The character is dark, organically disturbing and scary.

Please note that some of the demos contain drum and percussion sounds not included in the soundset.

Name: Cellos of Darkness
Requirements: Omnisphere 2
Number of sounds: 175
Format: Omnisphere 2
Style: Ambient, Darkness, Cellos

33 Arpeggios & Sequences
9 Effect & Hit sounds
32 Pads & Strings
12 Synth & Leads
49 Textures & Soundscapes
40 Multi sounds

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 409 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Cellos, of, Plughugger, for, Omnisphere, Darkness | Rating: 0.0/0
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