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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » PastToFutureReverbs Real Giant Metal Pipe Reverb! Impulse Responses (IRs) WAV
PastToFutureReverbs Real Giant Metal Pipe Reverb! Impulse Responses (IRs) WAV

Impulse Responses (IRs) WAV | 133.95 MB

This Huge Metal Pipe was so big that anyone could easily walk through it.

Sounds amazing with vocals, drums/percussion & electric guitars.

It is a very rich and dense sounding reverb. A bit like plate and spring reverb but bigger and richer. Unique!

We have captured lots of different sounding IR’s of this Huge Metal Pipe.

It is hard to describe. You have to hear it yourself!

Digital & Tape Captures

48 World Class Impulse Responses

(Stereo & Mono)

96kHz Wav Files

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 64 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Impulse, pipe, Giant, metal, Reverb!, wav, Responses, Real, PastToFutureReverbs, (IRs) | Rating: 0.0/0
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