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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » PastToFutureReverbs Fairchild Reverbertron II Spring Reverb! Impulse Responses (IRs) WAV
PastToFutureReverbs Fairchild Reverbertron II Spring Reverb! Impulse Responses (IRs) WAV

Impulse Responses (IRs) WAV | 27.41 MB

One of the rarest and most expensive spring reverbs ever made by the maker of the rarest and most expensive compressor in the world :)

This spring reverb unit sounds very unique and classy

One of the best spring reverbs you might have ever heard

This amazing spring unit has 3 different spring units inside!

This spring also takes EQ very well!

We also mixed the 3 decay units in left-right combinations to get a stereo spring reverb!

You will get lots of different sounding rare spring reverb IR's

You will get 26 IR’s in this pack!


(24Bit/96kHz Wav Files)

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 95 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Fairchild, II, Reverb!, Responses, (IRs), Impulse, Spring, Reverbertron, PastToFutureReverbs, wav | Rating: 0.0/0
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