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Home » Sound Libraries » Noiiz Impulsive Future Bass by it's different WAV
Noiiz Impulsive Future Bass by it's different WAV

Links update: 29/04/2020

‘It’s different’ proudly presents their debut Noiiz sample pack, crafted with the highest precision. Combining huge synths & catchy melodies with incredible production quality, ‘Impulsive Future Bass’ is full of high-quality content from modulated vocal lines and chilled guitars to vapourware inspired synths and weighty drum shots. The ideal source for anyone creating future bass, trap or EDM, there are endless creative opportunities here. Download now and take your tracks to a 'different' level.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 594 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: It's, Impulsive, by, Noiiz, wav, Different, Bass, Future | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 2
1 XaviMayer  
Please could you help me with the download link for the following file. they were apparently removed.
Very thankful.

2 shlyapa  
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