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Sample Tools by Cr2 Future Bass Rhythms WAV MiDi

WAV MiDi | 410 MB

Welcome to the future. Sample Tools by Cr2 present Future Bass Rhythms – a full-throttled collection of chilled and futuristic vibes blending with high-end festival energy.

Get your teeth stuck into this sample pack containing over 600 MB of content, with over more than 350 samples (all 100% royalty-free) to transform your productions from a bedroom production to a festival anthem.

Featuring buzzy bass loops, sublime synth loops, fantastical FX, devouring drum loops, a hierarchy oh hellish hits (drum/synth/bass), and some sneaky songstarter projects to help fast-track your next big production smash!

The future is now, and we have the bass to prove it.

We are Sample Tools by Cr2, and this is Future Bass Rhythms.


Total File Size: 535.8 MB Total Audio Files: 352 Total MIDI Files: 11

•10 x Bass Hits
•15 x Bass Loops (DRY and WET versions)
•20 x Claps
•20 x Kicks
•20 x Hats
•20 x Percs
•20 x Snares
•60 x Drum Loops
•35 x FX Samples
•2 x Songstarters (57 x Audio Files & 11 x MIDI Files)
•10 x Synth Hits
•15 x Synth Loops (DRY and WET versions)
•10 x Vocal Chops (DRY and WET versions)

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 349 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Sample, Bass, Rhythms, by, CR2, tools, wav, midi, Future | Rating: 0.0/0
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