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Home » Sound Libraries » Noiiz Fis Textured Sounds and Loops WAV
Noiiz Fis Textured Sounds and Loops WAV

WAV | 113.90 MB
Links update: 18/07/2020

Best described as ‘miniature sonic collisions’, each and every sample in ‘Textured Sounds and Loops’ contains its own little timbral cluster, sourced from multiple individual sounds for a physical and layered feel.

This pack offers something to anyone looking for tangibility and ‘life-like’ presence in their tracks. The one shots can stand alone or merge with your own palette for added crunch. While the loops are targeted at techno and dubstep tempos, they respond well to chopping and stretching into other club formats.

We should note these sounds and loops are internally harmonious in their own way. Any given sound will work with any other. Download ‘Textured Sounds and Loops’ not and see for yourself!

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 674 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: wav, Noiiz, Loops, sounds, Fis, and, Textured | Rating: 0.0/0
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