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Home » Sound Libraries » Adsr Sounds New-Fi Samples, Loops and Serum Presets WAV FXP
Adsr Sounds New-Fi Samples, Loops and Serum Presets WAV FXP

Adsr Sounds | Rar 1.01 Gb | Unrar 2.00 Gb

Throw open your studio windows and let the warmth and colour of bedroom beats hit your ears. new-fi from ADSR Sounds brings you fresh ideas for lo-fi, trap soul and indie pop.

From downtempo beats and drum hits galore to playful melodies and modern textures. new-fi is innovative, authentic and upbeat. Go on a light-hearted musical discovery with over 500 files including 100 Serum presets and 400 samples and loops all designed to reinvigorate your studio time with a positive outlook and pro-level sounds.

If you’re producing laid-back tunes with a modern-vintage vibe – whether it’s lo-fi, indie pop, trap, or something totally new – new-fi offers you an original perspective with all the tools to see your musical vision made reality.
100 Xfer Serum presets
21 Bass
21 Keys
17 Leads
21 Pads
20 Plucks
15 Melodic Loops
15 Musicbox Loops
5 Keyboard Loops
15 Instrumental Loops
55 Drum Loops
45 Synth Loops
Drum Hits
10 808s
15 Hihats
10 Dirty Shakers
25 Kicks
15 Snares
10 Toms
Melodic Shots & Samples
20 Melodic Shots
20 Musicbox Shots
10 Synth Instrument Shots
20 Synth Shots
15 Vocal Shots
10 Risers
15 Melodic Textures
Plus 5 Bonus Song Kits from the demo including loops and stems
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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 420 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: sounds, Loops, Serum, wav, ADSR, presets, New-Fi, FXP, and, Samples | Rating: 0.0/0
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