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Music Protest Develop a Better Guitar Practice Routine TUTORiAL


Most beginner guitarists want to get better on the guitar more quickly. But, at the same time many guitarists don’t have a lot of time to put into practicing… So, what can be done? This course points to visualization as a valuable tool. But, we’ll go a step further and outline example practice routines based on a simple rule of thirds. Once you start following this regimen, you’ll see that you’re making better use of the practice time that you have available.

This course outlines 2 valuable strategies for refining and improving your guitar practice routine. First, we’ll talk about using the power of visualization (mostly on the fretboard) to set your focus and learn the fretboard more quickly. Second, we’ll reflect on the ideal practice routine (rule of thirds) and discuss specific tasks to fit into each practice routine to make the best use of your time (no matter how much or how little time you have!).

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 245 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Practice, Routine, Protest, Music, tutorial, Develop, better, Guitar | Rating: 0.0/0
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