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Music Protest Optimizing Your MediaBay Workflow TUTORiAL


Have you ever felt frustrated because your loop libraries, samples and presets are hard to find and work with? Do you wish that producing music was a totally creative process? Me too! This course shares tips, tricks and lessons learned about Cubase's MediaBay - a powerful tool designed to solve these kinds of frustrations!

If you're a Cubase user like me, you've probably found managing loops and digital production libraries can be such hassle that it becomes a barrier to producing in a free, creative and fun way. I'm sharing my experience and MediaBay setup tips to help you optimize your workflow as a music producer with Cubase.

In this class you'll learn:

•How to customize MediaBay for you're personal workflow.
•How to troubleshoot, missing libraries and "no sound" issues in MediaBay.
•Tips for customizing attributes, searches and search results (based on what you care about).
•How to make MediaBay synchronize sample/loop playback in the context of your project's tempo and key!

Even if you're an experienced Cubase user, but you haven't been using MediaBay then this course will open doors to a smoother workflow. Steinberg invented MediaBay to help make producing music easier and more fun. With the simple customizations and tips in this course, you'll be up and running quickly and getting more out of that Cubase license you paid for :). If you have any questions throughout the course, I'm always glad to help - so just reach out to me! Thanks for checking in. See you in the upcoming lessons...

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 223 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Protest, workflow, MediaBay, tutorial, Optimizing, your, Music | Rating: 0.0/0
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