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Home » Tutorial » Music Production CubaseGuru Compression Course TUTORiAL-MAGNETRiXX
Music Production CubaseGuru Compression Course TUTORiAL-MAGNETRiXX
Team MAGNETRiXX | 835.43 MB
Links update: 12/03/2020
In this audio compression techniques course, SoundMagus shows you everything you need to be able to use compression to tighten, add detail, punch and space to your mix. 
In the Audio Compression Techniques Course Soundmagus covers everything from basic compression (where you learn the fundamental principles of audio compression techniques) to how to use multi-band compression on your final mix down.
The basic techniques covered are as follows: 
Make-up gain
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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1352 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Course, compression, Production, CubaseGuru, Music, TUTORiAL-MAGNETRiXX | Rating: 0.0/0
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