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Home of Sound Shifted Music Production Course

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This course is meant to illustrate principles and provide practical tips and demonstrations on producing one track from start to finish. The process follows the real process that Shifted himself applies in the studio, matured over the course of over one decade of work and explain the artist’s own approach in creating music.

Free Content - Interview with Shifted about Avian and running a label
• Module 1 - Initial patch breakdown, modular sound design, tracking stems via outboard
• Module 2 - Modulation in DAW, building upon recorded material
• Module 3 - Arrangement tricks, using FX to make atmospheric sounds from scratch, basic arrangement of sounds and modulation

What you get: 

This course is meant to illustrate principles and provide practical tips and demonstrations on producing one track from start to finish. The process follows the real process that Shifted himself applies in the studio, matured over the course of over one decade of work and explain the artist’s own approach in creating music.

Videos recorded in HQ. And once you get access, you can take the course in your own time and rewatch it as many times as you want.

Who is this for? 

All the modules cater to intermediate to professional producers, but made to be easily followed by a beginner audience as well.

Which tools are used?

Throughout the course, the artist heavily uses Ableton and hardware machines (hardware mainly in module 1). The explanations are structured in a way that principles are usable by any producers even by those who don’t possess or use the same machines and by those who work only in the box.

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A TS file is a type of video stream file. It's used to store video content on DVD and Blu-ray discs. It makes use of standard MPEG compression in order to compress video data, mostly being used for saving streamed or broadcast video content

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 258 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Home, Sound, Shifted, Production, of, Music, Course | Rating: 0.0/0
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