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Home » Sound Libraries » ModeAudio Vortex Ambient Loops And Samples WAV
ModeAudio Vortex Ambient Loops And Samples WAV

DISCOVER | December/02th/2017 | 299MB

Prepare to take your music on a journey through stunning cinematic scenes, from the eery quiet of deep space to the shimmering swelter of sub-Saharan desert - welcome to the richly textural sound world of Vortex - Ambient Loops & Samples!

Casting layered shadows amidst burning sonic sunbeams are the 150 deftly crafted ambience loops at the very core of this sound pack, taking in the ethereal warmth of analog synth pads, crystalline depth of blurred piano chords, brimming menace of sub oscillators, gentle, organic flickering of treated field recordings and beyond.

Looping smoothly and serenely from 80 all the way up to 124 Bpm, you'll find a huge variety of sonic textures contained within, from the ethereal and orchestral right through to the haunting and scorched.

Amongst the crisp textures and oceanic washes of sound included you'll find plenty of resources ripe for floating an Ambient masterpiece off the ground, to breathing new life and energy into your Downtempo, House and Techno beats.

Also featured are 60 ambient stab samples, which will inject bright flashes of short decay tonal atmosphere into your music.

Drift through the blackhole and find yourself in a whole new universe of sonic colour, light and shape - push your productions into hyperdrive with Vortex - Ambient Loops & Samples now!

......:::::: Product Specifications ::::::......
• Format: WAVs
• 035 x Atonal Ambience Loops
• 055 x Tonal Ambience Loops
• 020 x Noise Texture Loops
• 020 x Rhythm (Drums & Percussion) Loops
• 020 x Sub Bass Loops
• 058 x Synth Stab Samples
• 208 x Individual (WAVs) Files In Total
• Tempo-Labelled
• 44.1kHz 24-Bit High Quality
• Compatible With All DAWs
• PC & Mac Compatible
• 100% Royalty-Free
• Genre: Ambient, Downtempo, Minimal, House, Techno

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 948 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Samples, ambient, Vortex, ModeAudio, and, wav, Loops | Rating: 0.0/0
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