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Home » Sound Libraries » ModeAudio Foreshadow Ambient Loops and Samples WAV
ModeAudio Foreshadow Ambient Loops and Samples WAV

WAV | 787 MB

Gaze into your crystal ball and observe a frightful future, full of ominous rumblings, spooky sonorities and cavernous resonances - introducing the deeply Cinematic sound of our latest sound pack, Foreshadow - Ambient Loops & Samples!

Spanning a colossal 1.1GB of royalty-free sounds and divided into 88 infinitely cycleable loops and 113 longer samples, this collection will take your productions on a journey through scene after scene of spine-tingling intensity and suspense-laden emotion.

Plunder any of the richly harmonic synthscapes, bellowing basses, expansive melodic sequences, icy textures or propulsive rhythms to lay the foundation or dust some icing on top of your next soundtrack or atmospheric composition.

Let the diverse choice of loops set the tempo and build the tension within your DAW, repeatable for as long as you need to craft just the right mood for your audience.

With samples ranging from 2s all the way up to an absorbing 1m4s in length, there's ample room for the sounds to jolt your music into life or evolve and transform throughout your arrangements.

Dripping in subtle modulation and evocative FX, download Foreshadow - Ambient Loops & Samples and conjure eery sonic visions with ease today!


•20 Atmosphere Loops
•15 Bass Loops
•19 Melodic Sequence Loops
•18 Rhythm Loops
•16 Texture Loops
•34 Atmosphere Samples
•16 Bass Samples
•38 SFX Samples
•25 Texture Samples
•Samples range from 2s - 1m4s in length

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 320 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Samples, wav, Foreshadow, and, ModeAudio, ambient, Loops | Rating: 0.0/0
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