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Home » Tutorial » Lynda Premiere Pro CC 2018 Essential Training The Basics
Lynda Premiere Pro CC 2018 Essential Training The Basics

TEAM SHEPHERDS | 13 June 2018 | 3.51 GB
Links update: 12/03/2019

Learn the basics of Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018. This beginning-level course helps you unlock the potential of this powerful video-editing program. Instructor and filmmaker Ashley Kennedy teaches the all the fundamentals: editing video and audio, correcting color, adding titles and effects, and more. Her project-based approach gives context to each of the tools, allowing you to experience both the technical and creative sides of the editing process. She begins with a tour of the Premiere Pro interface, and then goes through the entire post-production workflow—including media import and organization, editing and trimming, audio adjustment, styling and retiming effects, color correction, titles, and output. By the end of the course, you should be able to hit the ground running and create your own professional video projects with Premiere Pro.

Topics include:

•What's new in the latest version of Premiere Pro
•Importing media
•Organizing assets into bins
•Editing and trimming video
•Using markers
•Editing audio and multicamera footage
•Working with stills
•Adding effects
•Manipulating clip speed
•Correcting color
•Adding titles
•Sharing and exporting your project

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1154 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Lynda, Basics, cc, Premiere, 2018, the, pro, Essential, Training | Rating: 0.0/0
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