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Lynda Premiere Pro CC 2017 Essential Training The Basics TUTORiAL

P2P | 26 May 2017 | 2 GB

Get started with Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017. This beginning-level course takes you through the basic ins and outs of Premiere Pro CC 2017. Using a project-based approach, senior staff author Ashley Kennedy teaches editing by blending technical and aesthetic instruction. She begins by taking you on a tour of the interface, and then goes through the entire post-production process—including ingest, organization, editing, refining, audio editing, basic effects, color correction, titling, output, and more. This is the first part of a two-part series. The second installment explores more intermediate techniques.

Topics include:

* Touring the Premiere Pro interface
* Asset organization and project management
* Basic editing
* Trimming and refining
* Basic audio editing
* Working with stills and graphics
* Basic effects
* Manipulating clip speed
* Using automatic and basic color correction tools
* Working with titles
* Sharing and exporting

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1003 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: the, pro, Basics, Premiere, Lynda, Training, Essential, cc, 2017, tutorial | Rating: 0.0/0
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