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Home » Tutorial » Lynda Music Theory for Songwriters Rhythm TUTORiAL
Lynda Music Theory for Songwriters Rhythm TUTORiAL

P2P | March 17 2017 | 605 MB

Music theory is fundamental to making and playing music. This course is designed to teach the fundamentals of rhythm in both a user-friendly and songwriting-focused way, demonstrating rhythm on drums, guitar, bass, keyboards, and vocals, allowing songwriters to learn music theory while they learn song craft on their instruments.

Music producer and record label owner David Franz starts the course with the building blocks of rhythm: counting, notes, measures, rests, rhythm notation, subdivisions, and tempo. He then explains time signatures, discussing common, compound, and asymmetrical time signatures, as well as double time and half time, and how to choose the time signature for a song. Next, he discusses the concepts of feel and timing, including dynamics, accents, articulations, tempo changes, swing, syncopation, polyrhythms, and playing ahead of, on, and behind the beat. Along the way, David demonstrates all of these concepts by playing musical examples on drums, guitar, bass, keyboard, and vocals.

Topics include:

* Notes, measures, and counting
* Rhythm and drum set notation
* Tempo, note lengths, and subdivisions
* Building rhythms
* Rests, triplets, duplets, dots, and ties
* Common time and 3/4 time
* Simple, compound, and odd time signatures
* Choosing a time signature
* Double time and half time
* Dynamics, accents, and articulations
* Tempo and tempo changes
* Choosing to be ahead of, on, or behind the beat
* Swing, syncopation, and off beats
* Polyrhythms (two rhythms at once)

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1127 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Rhythm, for, Lynda, Theory, tutorial, Songwriters, Music | Rating: 0.0/0
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