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Lynda Jazz Piano Lessons 1 Fundamentals TUTORiAL

P2P | 25 May 2017 | 1.28 GB
Links update: 19/03/2018

Learn how to play jazz piano. Join Grammy-winning keyboardist George Whitty as he helps you get started as a jazz pianist. George helps you tackle the F7 blues, so that you can quickly start playing a recognizable jazz line. He also discusses the importance of time in jazz, as well as scales—in particular, bop scales—that keep you in sync with the harmony in a unique way. In addition, George covers using approach patterns and comping with your left hand with guide tones.

Topics include:

* The blues in F
* Building a scale out of the F7 chord
* The B flat 7 bop scale
* The G minor 7 bop scale
* The C7 bop scale
* Practicing guide tones

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 966 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: tutorial, lessons, Lynda, Fundamentals, Jazz, Piano | Rating: 0.0/0
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