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Home » Tutorial » Lynda - Banjo Lessons with Tony Trischka: 1 Fundamentals TUTORiAL
Lynda - Banjo Lessons with Tony Trischka: 1 Fundamentals TUTORiAL

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Learn how to play banjo with United States Artists Friends Fellow and multi-Grammy nominee Tony Trischka. Learn at your own pace from the comfort of your home, or anywhere else you can carry your instrument and your learning device.

This 4-part definitive video library includes hundreds of banjo lessons and performances, plus banjo tabs, backing tracks, and other study materials. Part 1 covers the fundamentals: holding a banjo, tuning a banjo, reading music, and positioning your right and left hands. Tony covers some simple finger picking and thumb rolls, and introduces exercises to help strengthen your fingers and play some simple tunes. Plus, learn the classic bluegrass songs that any banjo player needs to know, such as "Sourwood Mountain" and "Wildwood Flower. "Note: This course was recorded and produced by ArtistWorks. We are honored to host this training in our library.

Topics include:

* Holding the banjo
* Tuning a banjo
* Positioning the right and left hands
* Reading tablature
* Finger picking
* Thumb rolling
* Practicing rolls and chords
* Playing classic bluegrass tunes

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1077 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Tony, lessons, banjo, Lynda, Fundamentals, Trischka:, tutorial, with | Rating: 0.0/0
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